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"Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance"

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Must-Follow Beauty Tips for Fall 2016

As the summer heat fades away and the crisp fall air takes its place, you must modify your beauty routine to adapt to the changing conditions. Fall has a completely different feel than summer, and you need to adapt your beauty routine to make yourself look your best. Here is a look at some of the best fall beauty tips.

Give Your Skin Some TLC
The long days of summer sunshine take a toll on your skin. When fall arrives, it is a good time to give your skin some pampering to rejuvenate it. One of the best ways to do this is to use a salt or sugar scrub to exfoliate your skin and give it a healthy glow.

Nourish Your Hair

As well as taking a toll on your skin, the summer rays can also do a number on your hair. As long as you are rejuvenating your skin, you should take some time to give your hair some nourishment as well. One of the best ways to undo the ravages of UV damage to your hair follicles is to give yourself a coconut oil treatment. An intensive coconut oil infusion will bring back bounce and shine to your hair to make it beautiful this fall.

Pamper Your Lips

Your lips also take a beating from the UV rays they absorb as part of all that summer sunshine. To heal your lips and make them as beautiful as possible this fall, use a nourishing lip balm. EOS lip balms are full of antioxidants, vitamin E, jojoba oil and shea butter that will heal your lips and give them a gorgeous look for the fall.

Treat Your Hands and Feet

One of the problems with the cold air arriving in fall is that it can lead to cracked skin. This is especially true of the hands and feet. Make sure to moisturize your hands daily with a hydrating lotion to keep them from cracking as the crisp air arrives this fall. If you have problems with dry skin on your feet, applying Vaseline to them every night before you go to bed works wonders.

Fall is the time to let your beauty shine. With the natural world bursting forth with beautiful fall colors in the trees, it is a great time to pamper yourself with new beauty treatments. Try out these beauty tips to look your best this fall.