Hi, I'm Laura


"Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance"

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How to make a home your next spa day? ft. Biore


Through the whole week, I tend to be super stressed out with so work and homework to do. Wearing makeup all day and being mentally exhausted can be super overwhelming. This is why I choose one day of the week to relax and take care of myself. Think of it as a treat yourself type of day - life tends to be super oppressive which makes it impossible to get a spa day. Every single Sunday I put everything aside and decide to not corporate any work or homework to my routine in order to just elevate my self-care with some of my favorite ways to relax. As well, while wearing makeup throughout the week it tends to clog your pores, dry your skin, and acquiring dirt/oil into your face.

S e l f-C a r e T i p s 101

First - I love essential oils, it wasn't until last year that I incorporated this into my lifestyle. After being diagnosed with anxiety, essential oils really changed my life. It helps concentrate while relaxing your mind and body. There are many oils to every single aspect of situation you need in your life. I love to use Lavender because it helps me go to sleep faster. Also, the peppermint gives your whole room another type of scent around it which helps calm and cool your body.

Second - Implement relaxing music with a touch of aromatherapy candles. This will help your mind senses with the good energy of the music, while also lighting up candles with such therapy could help ease and relax your mind.

Third - Self-treating day also includes taking care of yourself to make yourself feel better, as well as; looking better. This is when I like to take my time and do my favorite masks. If you didn't know while wearing makeup daily your skin gets dry including clogging your pores with all the makeup. I would be lying if I tell you I do a night time routine every day but it is not true. Life gets in the way and you could just fall asleep with your makeup on (HUGE MISTAKE). Even after washing your face or using wipes to take off your makeup it is not sufficient. This is why using a mask where it could take away every single impurity to obtain the best-looking skin.

I am a true lover to the Biore Charcoal Pore Strips. If I were to tell you the satisfaction I have when I pull up the strip is the best feeling ever - even seeing the great job it does to take out all my deep-down dirt, oil, and blackheads! It takes it ALL away! Also, you will notice instant results to a fresher and cleaner nose.

Recently, I found out about their one-minute heating mask (YES you heard right - ONE MINUTE) Like if you think about it - this could be a process of less than 10 minutes to have a fresh looking better skin. What surprised me was as soon as I wet my face and applied the mask you can feel the heat of the mask working its magic. I am not going to lie I was scared it was going to burn me or something. I have very sensitive skin and that is why I was worried so fast, however; there was NOT one single spot of redness when I took off the mask after the 1 minute of waiting. Once I wash off my face I was instantly surprised once again. This is because once you start taking off the mask you feel such a freshness instantly. It was like mint all over my face giving me a sensation of the clean skin. Right after you can notice your face being super soft and tight.

I hope you enjoyed this simple tips on how to create a mood for your next spa day at home. Make sure to check out Biore strips and masks - You will fall in love with it!

Until next time!


Who needs a professional spa day if you can have your own in the comfort of your home?!