Hello, I am very excited to show you our third stop from our cruise travel.
From Puerto Rico, we left straight to Haiti which took one day and we made it bright and early. The view as you can appreciate from the photos were breathtaking. This specific area from Haiti is owned by Royal Carribean. This side of the island has mainly activities that you can purchase ONLY by the Royal Caribbean tours.
This is something you do not know until you leave the cruise into the island, it is good for you to purchase some of the excursions because they are so WORTH IT! If you decide to not purchase anything you can still enjoy the beach views and visit some of the restaurants they have in this location.
Since we didn't do anything in Puerto Rico in the case of excursions, we decided to go all out and get two activity tickets for Haiti. These were the water activity (which my Husband, unfortunately, lost his phone in the deep waters since we had the waterproof cover and it snapped on us). If you decide to take in your phone make sure it does not have any thread which you might see that can snap really easily. For this specific activity, we have to get on top of floaties and it was very hard so in one of those the phone got caught with something and it just went down. However, the crew from the Haiti Royal Caribbean staff members were very helpful and after a few hours they gave us the phone back but we knew it was going to be impossible to make it turn on since it was MANY hours that it was underwater.
However, we didn't let it get to our heads and we just kept having fun in the floaties and it was a great experience - I really recommend it if you have kids and you want to have some adrenaline fun. Do not worry they provide life jackets and the ocean is very clear. Unfortunately, no photos were caught during this experience since the phone was also swimming with us LOL.
From this activity, we went to the dragon zipline excursion. This has been one of the most incredible experiences I have had in my life. You get to do a zipline from 500 ft above water!
The team at Royal Caribbean was very professional and they took many measures and safety. Everything was very detailed oriented and safety precautions were analyzed by professionals.
Before we went directly to the 500 ft zip line they took us to a smaller zipline to get a feel of how it would be. They teach you how we were supposed to sit and how we were supposed to position ourselves when we break at the end of the zipline.
This really helped you get over the fear at first because you get to have a feeling of how it is going to be. After this test, some trucks take you directly to the high spot for the big zip line with your appropriate group.
I would not lie - it was very high but the experience was a lifetime. It was an incredible view and such a happy moment of freedom when you are up there. I really recommend doing this if you are not afraid of heights or have any anxiety. If I would have done this trip about two years ago I can easily say I would have missed the opportunity because of the stage of anxiety that I had two years ago so I am very happy I had the chance to do it and I encourage you to explore/enjoy the little opportunities you get in life.
I will attach a video from others so you have an idea on how this experience looks like. We didn't bring any go-pro and you surely need to have both hands on the bar so I decided to just be in the moment.
As this is my conclusion to my Royal Caribbean diaries, if you get the chance to ever go on this cruise or you ever get the chance to go to these countries, come back to these posts if you are going on a cruise with Royal Caribbean and take a little more advantage than what I did from my mistakes. :)
Until next post!